North Central Chapter Health Physics Society

End of Fall Meeting: Take office as President. Take possession of NCCHPS charter, banner, notebook, and historical presidential papers. Assist outgoing President in preparation of the Fall business meeting minutes for the chapter newsletter.

November: Determine if a nominee will be recommended to the HPS Awards Committee for the Elda E. Anderson award. If so, begin assembling necessary documentary material. In the chapter newsletter make a call for nominations for HPS available positions: President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or Board of Directors. Send nominations to HPS Nominating Committee. Submit HPS committee recommendations to the HPS President-Elect.

January: Submit material to HPS Awards Committee for Elda E. Anderson award.

January-February: Submit nominations for NCCHPS officers to chapter Newsletter Editor for inclusion in first newsletter of year.

March: Begin preparations for the Spring meeting Executive Council meeting. Work with the President-Elect on accommodations for Executive Council members the evening prior to the Spring meeting.

March-April: At least two weeks prior to the Spring meeting, send Executive Council agenda to Executive Council members with previous Executive Council and business meeting minutes. If the current financial statement is available, this should also be included.

Spring Meeting: Chair Executive Council and business meetings. Appoint a chapter member to represent the chapter at the HPS Annual meeting for Chapter Council. (Usually President and President-Elect).

May: Assist Secretary/Treasurer in preparation of Executive Council and business meeting minutes. Send business meeting minutes to Newsletter Editor. Send a summary of the Spring meeting to national Newsletter Editor for submission under "Chapter Notes".

August: Begin preparations for the Fall Executive Council meeting. Assist the President-Elect in setting arrangements for the council meeting the evening prior to the Chapter meeting.

September: At least two weeks prior to the Fall meeting, send Executive Council agenda to Executive Council members with previous Executive Council and business meeting minutes. If the current financial statement is available, this should also be included. Select a recipient for the Chapter Award to be presented at the Fall meeting in conjunction with a guest speaker. Notify the Executive Secretary to prepare the award certificate.

Fall Meeting: Chair Executive Council and business meetings. Give "State of the Chapter" address at the business meeting. Hand over NCCHPS charter, banner and notebooks to new President. (The charter should be handed to the new President as the last order of business when the meeting is turned over to his/her direction.) Appoint a chapter member to represent the chapter at the HPS Midyear meeting.

As Past President: In October or November, send a summary of the Fall meeting to the national Newsletter Editor for submission in "Chapter Notes". In November/December begin contacting chapter members to run for chapter officers. Submit nominations for chapter officers to chapter Newsletter Editor for inclusion in first newsletter of year.

General: Correspond with HPS President concerning information the chapter wishes to have brought before the HPS Board. Represent NCCHPS in dealings with other professional organizations as necessary.

(December 2000)